its me~~~~

does we looks alike???

naughty baby elyse~~~~!!!

love u mum`~~!!!


tis is nice...reali nice..hehe..kimchi soup~~~

do u all feel like eatin after seein tis??

i tink korean ppl reali need wash alot dishes lol..hehe..c d amount of plates they used~~
anyway yesteryday went for korean dinner to celebrate mum early bday tt is on d monday~~~....when we went thr..d restaurant was reali alot of ppl as we had no place to sit at 1st n hv to wait..well..i noe i very kiasu but tis is d 1st time i ate korean food...n i reali like it..hehe...eat till my stomach wanna burst d...i tink tis holidays i reali fat d...hehe~~~
well..just wanna wish mummy a very happy bday~~!!!!n wan her noe tt thanx for everything she had done for us n i noe its been realli hard for her ever since daddy passed away n wan tell her mummy...we reali love u alots n thanx for being ur part as mummy n also daddy~~!!!muakie~~~>...